About Me

I am a 34 year old mom of two little girls, Lucia, 3 and Lauren 14 months. After I had my second daughter I was unhappy with how I looked and how I felt, I was so unhealthy and it was affecting how I felt. I needed to find a way to get healthy and in shape with out joining a gym I had already wasted too much money on a membership and rarely went. That when I saw a post about doing a Beachbody challenge in July 2012. The challenged changed everything for me. It was a lifestyle change, not only was I working out every day but I was eating clean with the help of Shakeology as one of my meals. I would never have stuck with it if it weren't for my coach and my challenge group. It kept me motivated to push play every day and keep making the right decisions with food. By the end of the 90 day challenge I had lodt the 10 lbs I wanted to and had better abs than before pregnancy! But most importantly, I felt amazing! I felt healthy, no longer tired and run down and all my body aches were gone! That was when I decided to pay it forward and to become a Beachbody coach myself so that I could help other women make a positive change in their overall health.

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